> on 6/21/01 5:45 PM, "Remy Maucherat" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > If you think the bug isn't fixed fast enough, you can either :
> I never said or even implied such a thing. Speed isn't the issue.
> > - send new logs instead of just saying "it still doesn't work"
> The log files are the same as before. You haven't changed the logging
> aspects.

Well, looking at your logs that's true, the logs are unchanged. The
important changes were in the startup/Catalina class, which I assume you
picked up. I have to fix a few other places where the CL classname was
hardcoded to StandardLoader, but that definitely shouldn't have affected

> > - it's oss, so you can fix it youself :)
> I see your point, but I'm just hoping that Sun is not depending on the OSS
> community to fix their primary RI servlet container.

As far as *I* am concerned, that is not true. Sun only needs a good servlet
container. There's a lot of improvements over what Sun provides which have
to be contributed by the community for Tomcat to be a great product, and the
main one IMO is real world testing, as many bugfixes as possible (since it
saves a lot of time trying to reproduce the bug, which is also generally
very hard to do).

I hope you don't think Tomcat 4 is developed like closed source software. If
I thought that was the case, I would be out of here already.

> > - keep on using the old CL, which works ok in most cases
> See my last posting. It is broken as well.

According to the logs, you're somehow still using it :
>From scarab_log : 2001-06-21 18:20:58 StandardLoader[/scarab]: Reloading
checks are enabled for this Context

I have removed the StandardLoader class from my checked out CVS tree without
any problems. I'm leaving it in the TC CVS at the moment, as a backup.

If you update and do a grep for "StandardLoader" in your Catalina source,
you'll see that it now only occurs in the messages strings, and in the
StandardLoader class source itself. So I don't see any logical reason why
you would end up with it being your loader.
If you're paranoid, you can do as I did and delete StandardLoader from your


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