On Sat, 23 Jun 2001, Craig R. McClanahan wrote:

> > >   A) the hierarchy should go: 
> > > 
> > >            SystemCL
> > >               |                 <-- LAYER 1
> > >           lib/common CL
> > >            /     \              <-- LAYER 2
> > >   lib/container lib/apps CL
> > >                    |            <-- LAYER 3
> > >                  WEB-INF/lib       << same CL, but with URLs
> > >                  WEB-INF/classes      from both dirs, in this
> > >                                       order...
> > 
> > You are absolutely right, that's the intended hierarchy. 
> One thing you might want to note for the future is that, in servlet 2.3,
> the order of loading in the web-app classloader is specified to be
> reversed from this (i.e. WEB-INF/classes first, then WEB-INF/lib).  The
> new spec also permits a web-app classloader to override classes in parent
> classloaders by using a "look then delegate" policy, rather than "delegate
> than look" in the usual Java2 fashion.  (Tomcat 4's classloaders do both
> of these things, against a very similar overall hierarchy.)

> Neither of these behaviors is specified for 2.2, so you're pretty much
> free to do what you want.  But you should think about implementing similar
> policies now, to improve the portability of apps to containers supporting
> 2.3.

That's why we have pluggable loader - if someone wants such a behavior
he's free to implement a loader. For servlet 2.2 we are not required, and
I'm not going to. And it shouldn't matter anyway - since the common loader
is supposed to have minimal stuff ( javax, other things that should not be
overriden without major risks for security - even if the 2.3 spec would
require them to be - I'm talking about some common utils ). 

I believe there are important security issues, but I'm sure the spec took
this into consideration - so probably I'm wrong ( of course, this will be 
easy to verify later on, there are quite a few ways someone could try to
exploit a reversed order - but again I'm sure this was taken care of and
it'll be just the fun of trying :-).


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