On Mon, 25 Jun 2001, Henri Delebecque wrote:

> hello,
> I have Tomcat 3.2.2, Apache 1.3.19 and mod_jk.
> One of my user is currently developing a servlet, and
> change very frequently this one.
> from times to times, Tomcat stops reloading it, and I have
> to restart it. Is it normal ? Why does he stop reloading ?
> I have read numerous posts on this subject, including ones
> telling that the reloading of servlet is difficult, since the
> classes are loaded into a JVM, which doesn't accept easily
> to change a loaded class into memory...
> So, my question is:
> Will the reloading working well in future versions of Tomcat
> (should I try catalina ?), or should I suggest another way of
> developing servlet to my user ?

Class reloading works differently in Tomcat 4.0 than in Tomcat 3.2.  In
particular, it is implemented by a background thread looking at changes in
*any* class that has already been loaded, where Tomcat 3.2 checks as a
request is procesed (which normally catches changes to the servlet class
itself, but doesn't always catch changes to bean classes).

> Thanks a lot

Craig McClanahan

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