> pier        01/06/25 18:32:07
> Added:       service/java ServiceController.java
> Log:
> Full UNIX service implementation checkin


> * 4. The names  "The  Jakarta  Project",  "WebApp", 
and  "Apache  Software *
> *    Foundation"  must not be used  to endorse or
promote  products derived *
> *    from this  software without  prior  written 
permission.  For  written *
> *    permission, please contact <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.

I fully realize the intent of the above clause in the
license for mod_webapp, but I have to ask..  
The term "web application" and "web app" have been
for years, especially with the word "server" on the
end, it's become a generic but descriptive label that
is today widely used in all kinds of documentation
for commercial products and open source projects.

Even though you've removed the space between the two
words web and app, to me it doesn't really change
the term significantly.  Am I alone here?

What the license above is saying is that noone can
Tomcat 4 (with mod_webapp and its pure-Java-side
connector), modify some part of the source, and use
the term WebApp to "endorse or promote" their project
or product.

So, are you and/or the Apache Software Foundation now
claiming exclusive rights to the use of the name
WebApp as this license clause claims?

Jason Brittain

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