On Mon, 2 Jul 2001, jean-frederic clere wrote:

> How could one write a wrapper for the following?:
> +++
> -int jk_open_socket(struct sockaddr_in *addr,
> +apr_status_t jk_open_socket(apr_socket_t **new, apr_sockaddr_t *addr,
>                     int ndelay,
> -                   jk_logger_t *l)
> +                   jk_logger_t *l, apr_pool_t *cont)

> +++
> jk_open_socket is in jk_connect.c and the above is a diff of "APRized" and
> actual jk_open_socket().
> Well I am just trying to show I cannot see how to write a wrapper for that...

One solution ( the simpler ) is to implement jk_open_socket by using a
call to apr_open_socket. Then with a bit of #ifdef magic you can either
include the apr-based impl or the existing code, no change in existing
code. When APR is stable and if everything works fine on all
platform/servers - we can replace calls to jk_open_socket with calls to

Another solution - change jk_open_socket signature to match that of
apr_open_socket, and use a simple
#ifdef APR
#define jk_open_socket apr_open_socket
( and all the other ). When APR is stable, do a simple replace jk_ with

IMHO both will be a waste of time as long as we don't have solutions for
the real problems ( form based login, welcome files, etc).


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