On Wed, Jul 04, 2001 at 11:53:05AM -0700, Renato Weiner wrote:
>  Hi all,
> I know this has been discussed, but I can't find an ultimate answer on this topic. 
>I'm running Tomcat 3.2.2, I have latest the StaticInterceptor.java from CVS. If I 
>configure my web.xml with a dynamic 404 error ( let's sat 404.jsp ) that doesn't 
>exist, I got an endless loop:
> 2001-07-04 02:10:17 - Ctx( ....: ): 404 R(  + /servlet/xxx + null) JSP file not found
> 2001-07-04 02:10:17 - Ctx( ....: ): Get real path /404.jsp /home/client1/404.jsp 
> 2001-07-04 02:10:17 - Ctx( ....: ): Get real path /404.jsp /home/client1/404.jsp 
> 2001-07-04 02:10:17 - Ctx( ....: ): Get real path /404.jsp /home/client1/404.jsp 
> Do anybody has a solution for this ?

I have hit this myself.  The only solution is to make sure that the error pages you 
define in face do exist.  I haven't had time to look into root cause of this myself, 
I'm not familiar with the Tomcat source anyway...


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