> >2) How about moving Developing Interceptors, Valves and Connectors, and
> >Using Tomcat Utility Classes to a seperate Developer Guide?
> >They are only
> >useful for real hackers.
> Don't forget what make Apache HTTP server so successfull.
> The number of modules built for Apache 1.2/1.3 APIs.
> If we don't comments and explain how to use and extend
> Tomcat, we'll loose many contributions and indirects
> users.


Agree.  And we need to make the developer guide more richer in content.  But
before that, we should make a good user guide first in order to make tomcat
more popular.  Once we have a large user base, we will have a stronger
support for extending tomcat.


P.S. What hacker I mean is:  The one who read the source code and make
change to it so that the whole system get benefit from it.  So you are
hacker. (but me not yet).  The guy who break the system is cracker, or black
hacker to be specific.

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