Craig wrote:
> - The typical approach with the JSR47 API or with Log4J is to let the
>   logger decide whether to really output the message or not.  So, you
>   would instrument your code with things like (conceptual, not real API):
>       logger.log("The object is " + myObject, Logger.DEBUG);
>   and let the logger configuration decide whether you care about debug
>   messages or not.
> - However, there is a performance problem with leaving this code in --
>   you will be doing the string concatenation (and the method call)
>   whether or not you want debug messages printed!  If you are liberal
>   about debug messages, especially inside frequently executed methods,
>   this can have adverse impacts on performance (and increased garbage
>   collection).

Often the toString() are much worse than the concatenations. After we realized 
what a HUGE impact this had on performance, we added a bunch of overloadings
so that you could convert the above to the equivalent of:

     logger.log(Logger.DEBUG, "The object is {0}", myObject);

where the formatting is only done once it's known that the category is enabled
(we used named categories instead of levels, but that's another discussion). I just
went and looked at log4j and java.util.logging and it looks like both would require 
going through a wrapper class to get this feature.

The number of overloadings is a bit of a pain for the implementer once you 
consider that you would often want to log boolean, int, and in some applications
float parameters, but not for the caller.

Louis Tribble

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