On Thu, 19 Jul 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Do you have a position on including a jakarta-regexp.jar (or a
> jakarta-regexp-1.2.jar or a jakarta-regexp-1.3-dev.jar) directly in
> jakarta-tomcat-4.0/lib so we can build it without synching and
> building jakarta-regexp?

I'm positive Jon will be +1 for this :-), but I'm very -1 for reasons that
have been discussed at length on this and other lists in the past.  
Storing JAR files is evil, because it creates dependencies on those
particular versions of the JAR files and you cannot reliably recreate a
release purely from sources.

Once I get the beta 6 release out (the release notes will tell you how
busy we've been :-), I will focus on cleaning up the build processes and
docs for jakarta-tomcat-4.0 and jakarta-servletapi-4, and initiating
conversations about what to do with jakarta-tomcat-connectors code that is
included in a Tomcat release.

> Likewise for servlet.jar / jakarta-servletapi-4.
> Note that the project already contains an ant.jar and a jaxp.jar and
> crimson.jar, and that works just fine :-)

Tomcat 4 doesn't have an ant.jar.  And the only reason it has jaxp.jar and
crimson.jar is because the stupid actual release has sealed JARs, which
*totally* screws up class loading.  As soon as there's a JAXP release that
removes this restriction, these files are gone.

> > The problem you are having can be easily resolved by simply editing your
> > local jakarta-turbine-4.0/build.properties or your
> > ${user.home}/build.properties
> Yeah, mine and everyone else's in the world who wants to build it.
> One less step is one less step that can go wrong.  

Actually, Jon's suggestion is the right answer.  Developers working from
source should have *absolute* control over which versions of dependent
software they build with.

> -- 
> Alex Chaffee                       mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Craig McClanahan

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