
It is the "path" of the context that makes them unique. So,

   <Context path="/struts-documentation" ... />

would replace the auto-served context, where:

    <Context path="/strutsdoc" ...

creates a new context.  The fact that its docbase is the
same as the one for the "/struts-documentation" context is
irrelavent.  If you don't want the struts-documentation.war
auto-served, move it out of the "webapps" directory and
expand it manually to a directory outside of "webapps".


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Randall Parker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Sunday, August 05, 2001 2:11 AM
> Subject: TC33b1 Context path behavior: Is this a bug or by design?
> I'm seeing two different paths as being accepted for pages in 
> the same war file. I'm wondering 
> if the behavior I'm seeing is by design or a bug. 
> I installed the struts-documentation.war file in webapps and 
> restarted Tomcat 3.3 b1. As 
> expected I was able to access such URLs as:
> and 
> ts/taglib/bean/package-
> summary.html#package_description
> So the leading /struts-documentation mapped to the corresponding war file.
> Then I decided to add to the /conf dir the following:
>    apps-struts-documentation.xml
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
> <webapps>
>     <!-- Setting special properties for /examples 
>         ( as an example of overriding the defaults )
>       -->
>    <Context path="/strutsdoc" 
>             docBase="webapps/struts-documentation" 
>             debug="0" 
>           reloadable="true" > 
>               <SimpleRealm filename="conf/users/strutsdoc-users.xml" />
>               <LogSetter name="strutsdoc_tc.log" path="logs/strutsdoc.log" />
>               <LogSetter name="strutsdoc_servlet_log" 
>                          path="logs/servlet_strutsdoc.log" 
>                        servletLogger="true"/>
>  </Context>
> </webapps>
> After stopping and restarting Tomcat I was then able (as expected) to access pages 
> the shorter /strutsdoc leading path. For instance:
> However, when I went back and tried the original:
> that still worked. I even did Refresh and fired up a different brand of browser that 
> previously visited either page to make sure the browser wasn't just loading the 
>older URL from 
> cache.
> Well, I'd expect that when one defined the Context path in the xml file that that 
>path would 
> _replace_ the default path named after the war file. Is that not the case? Is this 
> behavior or incorrect behavior?

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