> I don't know anything about how mod_webapp was thought - I don't remember
> any design discussion, requirements, or anything like that.

Well, look at the archives, because in the early stages of development, I
tried to keep you guys involved, asking for comments and ideas. But also my
patience is a limit...

It seems that what you needed was a proof of concept, and now you have it.
But anyway, as always, I don't care about it. I was happy to have it in
jakarta-tomcat-4.0, you wanted to move it.

As I said, I'm not complaining, I never did.

> I can just look at the code, and so far it seems too nice and simple to scale
> as other features are added.

Well, look better...

> I never said it's a piece of crap

You implied it several times (as you are doing in the next sentence).

> I am not happy with (what seems to be) the design,

Others are very unhappy with mod_jk's design, while being happy with my
desing, so I can assume that is a personal feeling

> I am very unhappy with the development model,

Re-read the archives, I tried, got flamed. Who cares. We'll see in one year
from now how many people have one or the other installed.

> and of course
> I'm unhappy with "reinventing the wheel" and throwing away what is the
> result of a lot of work from many commiters.

As mod_jk did in respect to mod_jserv, I believe. Remember I've been around
for way longer you did...

> The code seems fine, and after all having it around may be a good
> motivator to improve mod_jk :-) Now that 3.3 is almost done we can focus
> on various modules - and jk is an important one.

As I said before, I don't give a damn about jk or 3.3 anymore. But we went
thru that flame in the past, didn't we?

> Looking forward to see the IIS, NES, JNI, loadbalancing, etc - without
> compromising the internals.

Sure... Don't you worry... They'll come with time...

> (well, just "integrate Apache auth" would be a nice start - that's a
> feature we still have to add to jk, and at least it would be something
> usefull that is not already implemented )

Oh.. But that's a feature already available under webapp... Didn't you see

What-ever, as always, talking to you, is like talking to a brick wall...



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