Quoting "Craig R. McClanahan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Sheesh ... the only thing that catalina.bat puts on your CLASSPATH is
> %CATALINA_HOME%\bootstrap.jar and %JAVA_HOME%\lib\tools.jar -- if
> Win98 can't even do that without a custom configuration setting, that's
> pretty lame.

Actually, it wasn't the memory issue at all. For whatever reason, it just 
couldn't find the "start" command at all without the SHELL=c:\command.com 
pointer. Now why it could seemingly find every other command I've ever typed 
into this thing over the past few years, just not "start", is anyone's guess.

Man ... have I mentioned how much I absolutely LOVE having my all shell 
commands in one or two monolithic files, rather than two nice clean /bin 
& /usr/bin directories with each separate binary there for the checking? 
Excellent design, this ... if you don't just *happen* to know where the "start" 
command lives, I guess you're just shite out of luck. Oh well, enough whining 
for tonight I suppose =)

> Yah, there's definitely times I wish that Java wasn't *quite* so
> write-once-run-anywhere ... :-).

ANYTHING on Win is "write-once-debug-anywhere" ;-)

Thanks again, chief!

- Christopher

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