Working on this Win98 laptop is enough to make me want to change trades.
When you combine the awesome power of a K62-300 with a slow-arse 2GB HD, the
sky's the limit... <grumble!>

I'm going to duck out of docs until I get back to Vancouver and get myself
situated.  I wanted to really help get them in great shape before release,
which I know you guys are working hard on.  As it stands, I leave Waterloo,
ON Aug 25th, so I'll be all settled in a few days after and put in some
serious time before school starts the following week.

Anyway, I'm just writing this cuz i was making all sorts of noise w.r.t docs
but haven't really done much lately =/  I haven't forgotten about it, but
fighting with cygwin and things that work everywhere else except for Win98
and my last two weeks of work and gaaahhh!

Answering questions on the mailing list until then will hopefully be less
stressful =)

- r

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