>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 08/15/01 09:51AM >>>
> Hi,

>Playing with the JNI connector, I found few simple ways to make it easier
>to set it up. Larry, Mike - let me know if you're ok ( and if you can take
>care of the doc part ).
>1. JniConnector will be included in server.xml ( un-commented ). I added
>code inside to detect if tomcat is started in jni mode, and will stay
>silent if not.

I'm ok with this.  It would make it easier for users to be able to confiure if
they only had to go to one place.

>2. If we place all DLLs/SOs in TOMCAT_HOME/bin/native, I've added code
>that will set the library path automatically ( including so/dll/nlm
>extensions ). Also cleaner messages if the file is not there.

Another great idea.

>3. Same can be used to simplify mod_jk config, it's easier for
>ApacheConfig to generate this location instead of ApacheHome/libexec ( or
>modules/, depends on apache version ).

See comments below.

>4. The user will configure:
 >- conf/jk/workers.properties: add 'inprocess' to the list of workers,
>set workers.java_home, ps, etc. ( quite easy IMHO )
> - conf/server.xml: <ApacheConfig jkProtocol="inprocess" />
> - start tomcat ( so it can regenerate auto-config files in jni mode )
> - start apache

The problem with this is that when you start tomcat outside of Apache,
it isn't really doing anything but generating the auto-config files.  They 
whole idea of the JNI connector is that the web server starts its own
version of Tomcat by instantiating a JVM inprocess.  Even if you have
an external Tomcat process running, the webserver wouldn't be talking
to that one via JNI.  This also means that you basically have to kill the 
Tomcat process that you start up by hand, plus, when Apache starts up 
it's version of Tomcat, it would probably overwrite the auto-config file as 
it came up which might cause some additional headaches.

>IMHO it's much simpler and cleaner - Larry, it's your call, the changes
>are easy on the java side - but docs need to be synchronized and we're
>quite late. Is it worth it ?

Other than the auto-config stuff, I think changes you've proposed are
valid, and  I could try to sync the docs with these changes.  Since we
haven't heard any complaints about the JNI connector yet, and it
hasn't worked until just now, I'm not sure if we want to mess with it at
this point, or wait until we can look at some of the auto-configuration
work being done with ajp14 and/or mod_webapp that would allow a
lot more dynamic configuration with the plugin handling determining
which url's it should be handling dynamically.



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