On Sun, Aug 19, 2001 at 11:16:52AM -0700, Mark Castillo wrote:
> Hi all,
> Ok. After reading through some of the sources some questions came to mind.
> What are some of the specific goals of the project regarding robustness,
> performance, and security? At what point can we say that it is robust
> enough? fast enough? secure enough?

[ Take these $.02 from someone who isn't even a Tomcat committer.  These
  are my thoughts on your question.  PMCers may have defined goals. ]

Typically, Apache projects follow the goal of "correctness first,
performance second."  Since Tomcat is the reference implementation of 
Servlets/JSP, it should focus on implementing all aspects of the spec
correctly.  I believe that if the implementation is correct (provided
you have a solid spec - which I believe is the case here), it goes a 
long way towards providing robustness and security.

You, as the user (or auditor), must place your own judgments on whether
Tomcat is robust enough, fast enough, or even secure enough.  We do not
know your goals.  However, I believe that part of the beauty of Open 
Source is that if it doesn't meet your requirements, you can help out 
and contribute to the project so that it does meet your needs properly.  
That's why you have the source.  Enjoy.  -- justin

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