"GOMEZ Henri" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> What about adding warp protocol to mod_jk and
> may be adding with functionnalities from ajp14 ?

I'm more than +1 about a merger between AJPv14 and WARP... The protocols are
pretty similar...

> Of course in J-T-C, since mod_jk in J-T must be freezed.

Cool... We can mirror changes around there...

> ajp14 and warp are very similar, they use the same
> (it seems) logon system (using md5),
> and differents protocol encoding but since
> ajp14 is still experimental, it could be
> changed in using warp packet system.

The packet system of WARP is basically the one developed for AJPv21,
multiplexing (if we want to implement it) can be written on top of it, as an
extension to the packet layout...

> I've got some questions here :
> In ajp14, the JkAutoMount was designed to help
> web-server knows about URL/URI handled by the
> remote tomcat (examples/*.jsp, examples/servlet/*).
> JkAutoMount * myworker
> This allow us to remove the need of configuring
> these mappings in httpd.conf.
> More in ajp14, the AutoMount key is the Virtual,
> if a Virtual section is present in Tomcat we
> could be sure that a Virtual section in Web-Server
> will get mappings only for the corresponding
> Virtual of Tomcat.
> <Virtual myhost1 >
> JkAutoMount myhost1 myworker
> </Virtual>
> Did there is the same strategy in mod_webapp ?

Precisely the same exact approach... When you "deploy an app", tomcat
basically responds with two pieces of data (all enclosed in the protocol,
but it's not hard to figure that out), a root path (local to tomcat) where
the application is deployed and the list of "permitted" and "forbidden" URL
paths: basically, WebApp check if it can read the WEB-INF/web.xml file, and
if so, it automagically processes the list of allowed and denied URL
patterns supplied by tomcat to see what should be served locally:

In servlet 2.3 we have to "deny" any URL pattern associated with a servlet,
anything associated with a security constraint and anything that need to be
filtered (the last one is specific for 2.3).

> May be the local Apache Gurus (JF, Ryan) could tell
> us if we could avoid to set myhost1 in <Virtual> ?
> The VirtualHostName must be present somewhere in
> Apache Recs...

server_rec->hostname , the server rec is passed to you in all config
functions, and the virtual host name is in there (check out mod_webapp.c in
the Apache 1.3 directory, or mod_jserv)...


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