Hi Bojan,

First, you're a commiter now, feel free to fix anything you see 
broken :-)

Regarding this particular fix - it will not have a big performance
impact ( except for loading .class files, which happen once ).
However I would rather keep the old code and add comments -
reading a stream byte-by-byte is not a good idea in any case.

I'll take a look at ZipFile.


On Tue, 18 Sep 2001, Bojan Smojver wrote:

> After digging some more into the code of it, I've realized that the
> readFully() method is really hard to understand. So, unless there are
> some substantial performance gains in the existing approach, maybe we
> should go with something a bit simpler.
> And just as a side note, you've probably noticed that I've produced some
> simple code to replicate (alleged) JDK ZipFile bugs. Any feedback on the
> validity of that code would be welcome (ie. maybe I'm doing something
> really stupid in there).
> Bojan

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