> The classpaths and classloaders in EmbededTomcat are also used somewhat
> insistantly, especially in the initClassLoader method.  For example will
> initClassLoader try to infer appsCP if it does not exists, but not commonCP.
> containerCP, appsCP are not used outside this method.  commonCP is, but only
> in the setCommonClassPath method, which does not have any container or apps
> counterpart.

Well, at least we're trying to self-configure/infer as much as possible,
the code is not perfect - I added what was needed to improve what I
believed to be the common use case.

The goal was to minimize the user effort - and if you look at
EmbededTomcat.main(), it's close to what you request. ( I suppose we're
discussing the curret 3.3 code ).

Please send sugestions, I'm very interested in feedback and improvements
in this area. Right now the 'Main' works fine ( or at least better than
before :-), I was able to use EmbededTomcat standalone ( i.e. using the
main() ) and even without server.xml file.


> All in all, I find the EmbededTomcat class quite tricky to use when not
> starting it from Main.  Are anyone working on the usability aspects of this
> class?  It could be possible to just do:
>   EmbededTomcat tomcat = new EmbededTomcat();
>   tomcat.setInstall("....");
>   // or even tomcat.setTomcatRoot("..."), or even let EmbededTomcat do some
> of the initContext stuff before addModule is called
>   tomcat.addEndpoint(8080);
>   tomcat.addRootContext("....");
>   tomcat.start();
> Sincerely
> Johannes Brodwall

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