On Fri, 21 Sep 2001, jean-frederic clere wrote:

> > Regarding CertCompat: I'm not sure we need it, the functions could be
> > added to jdk11Compat. It's not a big deal, I can change this after you
> > commit ( unless you have reasons or a preference to create a compat class
> > for cert-related code - which is ok ).
> I prefer to have a CertCompat because we could have Java2 and no JSSE.
> Is JSSE and JDK1.1 possible?

Are you using JSSE in CertCompat ? If so - you're absolutely right (
well, maybe we should call it JsseCompat ? ). Even better - we can extend
it to support other SSL-toolkits ( I know there is a OpenSSL
wrapper around ).

( sorry, I thought you're only using java.security.cert, which is JDK1.2+
but doesn't require JSSE )

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