Using Tomcat 4.0 (the final version), obtaining a DataSource from JNDI 
implementation always returns null.  I'm not seeing anything in the logs 
that would indicate why.  Nor do I see anything in the logs saying that 
my connections had been initialized (and a netstat reveals that there 
are none.)

The lookup is successful, because it doesn't throw a NamingException 
(yes, I've tried deliberately misspelling the name to make sure it will 
when I use the wrong name.)  And I've got the JAR file for the driver in 
$TOMCAT_HOME/common/lib.  It just never returns a legitimate object of 
any sort - it just returns null.

The appropriate parts of conf/server.xml:

         <Context path="/will" docBase="will" debug="5" reloadable="true">
             <Logger className="org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger"
                 prefix="localhost_will_log." suffix=".txt"
             <Resource name="jdbc/LPDirectory" auth="SERVLET"
             <ResourceParams name="jdbc/LPDirectory">

And the appropriate parts of webapps/will/WEB-INF/web.xml:

         <description>The LP Directory</description>

Any ideas?

Will Stranathan

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