On Mon, 17 Dec 2001, GOMEZ Henri wrote:

> >couldn't the connector be solely
> >responsible for
> >this?  the connector could add a cookie to the response, then read this
> >cookie on subsequent requests, and then you wouldn't have to
> >add stuff to
> >servlet containers to handle this.  or, i could be totally off base :)
> Could we add another cookie in http reply ? Spec compliant ?
> What to be used when you have to use URL encoded instead since
> cookies are not available ?

It'll not work. URL rewriting is the issue - the session id ( i.e. what
will be sent on the next request ) will end up inside html pages, where
mod_jk can't 'rewrite' it. And adding a cookie will fail if no cookies
are available ( again where url rewriting will be used ).

The session id that a servlet sees must have the vmroute in it.


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