costin      02/01/11 21:25:09

  Modified:    jk/native2 CHANGES.html build.xml
               jk/native2/jni jk_jni_aprImpl.c
  Document some of the changes. Move some of the code did by Jean-Francisc in 
  The whole thing will disapear as soon as apr adds the support.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.4       +26 -0     jakarta-tomcat-connectors/jk/native2/CHANGES.html
  Index: CHANGES.html
  RCS file: /home/cvs/jakarta-tomcat-connectors/jk/native2/CHANGES.html,v
  retrieving revision 1.3
  retrieving revision 1.4
  diff -u -r1.3 -r1.4
  --- CHANGES.html      17 Dec 2001 07:17:08 -0000      1.3
  +++ CHANGES.html      12 Jan 2002 05:25:08 -0000      1.4
  @@ -18,6 +18,17 @@
  +<li>JNI worker. Most options on the jni worker are now optional, jk can detect
  +and set them automcatically. This reduce the effort needed to configure jni.
  +It is _required_ that LD_LIBRARY_PATH or equivalent is set coreclty, otherwise
  +java will not start and apache will crash. ( on windows this may not be needed ).
  +The user must set either as environment variables or in httpd.conf ( using JkSet )
  +be installed in the standard location ( modules/ or webapps/. The output from
  +the vm will go in apache's error.log ( like all other jk output ) unless
  +a special file is requested.
   <h4>Developer specific</h4>
  @@ -54,6 +65,21 @@
   <li>Method signatures. Jk2 uses the same 'patterns' as jni, with a jk_env as 
   first parameter, then 'this' (the pointer to the object ), then regular parameters.
   The same pattern is used no consistently in all methods.
  +<li>JNI has been refactored. On file, jk_vmutil deals with the creation of the
  +vm and guessing of all properties needed to create a java vm. It could be possible
  +to create specialized instances of jk_vmutil for different vms ( the default 
  +works for most ).
  +<li>JNI now uses the channel abstraction to send/receive messages. In future we 
  +could refine this to use a special 'marshalling' that will map 'messages' into
  +method invocations. One big benefit is that we can now reuse all objects, no
  +longer need to use strings ( and thus enable the solving of most i18n problems ).
  +The code is also more 'uniform' and easier to extend.
  +<li>JNI worker is no longer singleton and can be used to start multiple java 
  +programms in the same process. Probably not very usefull for jk in particular, 
  +but the restriction was not needed. 
   <li>(not completed) Error handling. The env parameter will provide a mechanism to
   pass error information up the stack ( eventually a stack trace ). It'll also   
  1.11      +7 -30     jakarta-tomcat-connectors/jk/native2/build.xml
  Index: build.xml
  RCS file: /home/cvs/jakarta-tomcat-connectors/jk/native2/build.xml,v
  retrieving revision 1.10
  retrieving revision 1.11
  diff -u -r1.10 -r1.11
  --- build.xml 6 Jan 2002 09:06:02 -0000       1.10
  +++ build.xml 12 Jan 2002 05:25:08 -0000      1.11
  @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
     <!-- ==================== Targets ==================== -->
  -  <target name="main" depends="init,apache20,jni,unixsocket">
  +  <target name="main" depends="init,apache20,jni">
     <target name="init" >
  @@ -77,6 +77,9 @@
           info="Use the MD5 implementation that is part of apache2" />
         <def name="HAS_APR" 
           info="Allow APR specific extensions" />
  +      <def name="HAVE_JNI" 
  +        info="Jni worker" />
  +      <def name="HPUX11" if="hpux" />
         <src dir=".">
        <include name="server/apache2/*.c" />
        <include name="common/*.c" />
  @@ -89,6 +92,7 @@
        <include name="${native.dir}/include" />
        <include name="${java.home}/../include" />
           <include name="${java.home}/../include/linux" if="linux" />
  +        <include name="${java.home}/../include/hp-ux" if="hpux" />        
        <fileset dir="${native.dir}/common" includes="*.h" />
  @@ -128,6 +132,7 @@
           <include name="${java.home}/../include/win32" if="win32" />
           <include name="${java.home}/../include/linux" if="linux" />
  +        <include name="${java.home}/../include/linux" if="linux" />
        <fileset dir="${native.dir}/common" includes="*.h" />
  @@ -156,6 +161,7 @@
         <linkOpt value="-threadname &quot;JK_JNI Thread&quot;" if="netware" />
         <linkOpt value="-stacksize 64000" if="netware" />
  +      <def name="HPUX11" if="hpux" />
         <def name="WIN32" if="win32" />
         <def name="NDEBUG" if="win32"  />
         <def name="_WINDOWS" if="win32" />
  @@ -406,33 +412,4 @@
  -  <target name="unixsocket" depends="init" if="useunixsocket">
  -    <mkdir dir="${}/WEB-INF/jk2/unixsocket" />
  -    <so sofile="libunixsocket" 
  -     buildDir="${}/WEB-INF/jk2/unixsocket"
  -     optimize="${so.optimize}"
  -     debug="${so.debug}"
  -     profile="${so.profile}">
  -      <src dir=".">
  -     <include name="tomcat/UnixSocket.c" />
  -        <!-- When APR will provide the AF_UNIX socket support -->
  -        <!--
  -        <include name="common/apr/*.c" if="HAVE_APR" />
  -         -->
  -      </src>
  -      <includes>
  -     <include name="${java.home}/../include" />
  -        <!-- Platform specific includes -->
  -        <include name="${java.home}/../include/netware" if="netware" />
  -        <include name="${java.home}/../include/win32" if="win32" />
  -        <include name="${java.home}/../include/linux" if="linux" />
  -      </includes>
  -      <depends>
  -     <fileset dir="${native.dir}/common" includes="*.h" />
  -      </depends>
  -    </so>
  -  </target>
  1.4       +52 -11    jakarta-tomcat-connectors/jk/native2/jni/jk_jni_aprImpl.c
  Index: jk_jni_aprImpl.c
  RCS file: /home/cvs/jakarta-tomcat-connectors/jk/native2/jni/jk_jni_aprImpl.c,v
  retrieving revision 1.3
  retrieving revision 1.4
  diff -u -r1.3 -r1.4
  --- jk_jni_aprImpl.c  6 Jan 2002 09:01:51 -0000       1.3
  +++ jk_jni_aprImpl.c  12 Jan 2002 05:25:09 -0000      1.4
  @@ -179,7 +179,8 @@
       int socket=(int)socketJ;
       int type=(int)typeJ;
  -    shutdown( socket, type );
  +    /*     shutdown( socket, type ); */
  +    close(socket);
       return 0L;
  @@ -188,29 +189,39 @@
                                                 jlong poolJ, jstring hostJ, jint 
backlog )
       apr_pool_t *pool=(apr_pool_t *)(void *)(long)poolJ;
  -    char *host;
  +    const char *host;
       int status;
       int unixSocket;
       struct sockaddr_un unixAddr;
  +    mode_t omask;
       memset(& unixAddr, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_un));
       host=(*jniEnv)->GetStringUTFChars(jniEnv, hostJ, 0);
       strcpy(unixAddr.sun_path, host);
  -    unixSocket = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
       (*jniEnv)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(jniEnv, hostJ, host);
  +    // remove the exist socket.
  +    if (unlink(unixAddr.sun_path) < 0 && errno != ENOENT) {
  +        // The socket cannot be remove... Well I hope that no problems ;-)
  +    }
  +    unixSocket = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
       if (unixSocket<0) {
           return 0L;
  -    bind(unixSocket,
  -         (struct sockaddr *)& unixAddr,
  -         strlen( unixAddr.sun_path ) +
  -         sizeof( unixAddr.sun_family) );
  +    omask = umask(0117); /* so that only Apache can use socket */
  +    status=bind(unixSocket,
  +                (struct sockaddr *)& unixAddr,
  +                strlen( unixAddr.sun_path ) +
  +                sizeof( unixAddr.sun_family) );
  +    umask(omask); /* can't fail, so can't clobber errno */
  +    if (status<0)
  +        return -errno;
       listen( unixSocket, (int)backlog );
  @@ -272,6 +283,8 @@
           clientlen=sizeof( client );
           connfd=accept( listenUnSocket, (struct sockaddr *)&client, &clientlen );
  +        /* XXX Should we return EINTR ? This would allow us to stop
  +         */
           if( connfd < 0 ) {
               if( errno==EINTR ) {
                   fprintf(stderr, "EINTR\n");
  @@ -279,7 +292,7 @@
               } else {
                   fprintf(stderr, "Error accepting %d %d %s\n",
                           listenUnSocket, errno, strerror(errno));
  -                return -1;
  +                return -errno;
           return (jlong)connfd;
  @@ -289,7 +302,8 @@
   Java_org_apache_jk_apr_AprImpl_unRead(JNIEnv *jniEnv, jobject _jthis, 
  -                                      jlong poolJ, jlong unSocketJ, jbyteArray 
bufJ, jint from, jint cnt)
  +                                      jlong poolJ, jlong unSocketJ,
  +                                      jbyteArray bufJ, jint from, jint cnt)
       apr_pool_t *pool=(apr_pool_t *)(void *)(long)poolJ;
       jbyte *nbuf;
  @@ -344,5 +358,32 @@
       (*jniEnv)->ReleaseByteArrayElements(jniEnv, bufJ, nbuf, 0);
       return (jint)rd;
  + * setSoLinger
  + */
  +Java_org_apache_jk_apr_AprImpl_unSetSoLingerNative (
  +    JNIEnv      *env,
  +    jobject     ignored,
  +    jint        sd,
  +    jint        l_onoff,
  +    jint        l_linger)
  +    struct linger {
  +        int   l_onoff;    /* linger active */
  +        int   l_linger;   /* how many seconds to linger for */
  +    } lin;
  +    int rc;
  +    lin.l_onoff = l_onoff;
  +    lin.l_linger = l_linger;
  +    rc=setsockopt(sd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_LINGER, &lin, sizeof(lin));
  +    if( rc < 0) {
  +        return -errno;
  +    }
  +    return 0;

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