> On Wed, 16 Jan 2002, Remy Maucherat wrote:
> > > +1 if the load balancing code gets in.
> > > -0 without it ( since one of the most important functions of jk will
> > > not work in 4.0.2 ).
> >
> > I plan to port the jvmRoute patch. Is it enough ?
> Yes, you have my +1 than. ( it should be a trivial thing, I just want to
> make sure it gets in before the release )


There are dependencies of the new Java JK components for Tomcat 4 with some
Tomcat 3 components which are not yet in tomcat-util, like util.net and the
PoolTcpConnector. It's fine to use them, but they should be in j-t-c/util.
The build process shouldn't reference the utils which are from the TC 3 tree

In the meantime, I removed the new stuff from the build to avoid possible


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