On Mon, 28 Jan 2002, Remy Maucherat wrote:

> > For the C2B - there is a problem since it uses the same class name as in
> > 3.3, so it will not work.
> >
> > Maybe we should we create a org.apache.jtc.util package ? Or
> > org.apache.commons.tomcat ?
> Forget it then, there are already too many util libraries in Jakarta. There
> is roughly equivalent code in j-t-c/util, so it should be ok to keep it
> specific to jk.

Sooner or later we'll have to change the package name from
o.a.tomcat.util, or we'll run into versioning problems and conflicts ( at
least for 3.3 ).

One solution would be to merge at least all connector-related utils and
create something like o.a.commons.connector or a similar package. That
would include C2B, MessageBytes, maybe even BaseRequest and ThreadPool.

Would it be an acceptable solution ? 4.0 is already using commons
packages, and we can do the same from j-t-c ( and probably in 3.3.x, x>1,
we could start using the commons as well - if any enhancement  is
made ).

( that's something for later, after we finish with the releases at hand
and even jk15 and jk2, it's not that important.  )


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