
I'm sorry but OSCache is not that what I really need. I want to cache
the full output of selected URLs not just JSP. Any Ideas?

I plan to build a web application with a CentralEntryServlet. This
Servlet invokes some actions which depends on the given PathInfo. The
actions are very extensive and return a ready OutputStream which then is
printed out to the Client. 

Cu, Gunnar

-----Original Message-----
From: Deacon Marcus [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Sunday, February 03, 2002 3:14 PM
To: Tomcat Developers List
Subject: RE: PageCaching Feature

Check http://www.opensymphony.com/oscache/ , you may find it

Greetings, deacon Marcus

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Gunnar Wagenknecht [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Sunday, February 03, 2002 2:46 PM
> Subject: PageCaching Feature
> Hi!
> I'm wondering if it is possible to implement a page chaching 
> mechanisme into the Tomcat Engine? Did anyone thought about this 
> before? Where can I find suitable development documents to evalutate 
> the implementation of such a functionality into the Tomcat Engine?
> I currently evaluating and working on some proposals for an extensive 
> web application. To speed up performance and to reduce the load it 
> would be great to add a HTML comment tag (for example: <!-- PAGECACHE 
> created="date&timestamp" expires="hours:minutes" -->) to the HTML 
> Output Stream. It is not crucial whether this tag was inserted into a 
> JSP or by a Servlet. Tomcat than realizes that it should cache this 
> result that was returned by calling the specific URL and safes the 
> complete HTML output stream into a file on the disc.
> Next time this URL is retrieved Tomcat first looks, if there is a 
> cached page available and if this page is not obsolete. If there is a 
> valid cached page, Tomcat doesn't need to call the WebApplication 
> instead Tomcat can return the result immediatly. Of curse the 
> evalutation of the URL is not simple because you have to look for URL 
> path and parameter and it should pe possible to tell the page caching 
> mechanisme which URL parameters a sensible and which it should ignor.
> What do you guys think of this? I'm not an experienced developer 
> that's why I'm asking you where I can start. What do you expect about 
> the complexity (development/implementation time) of such a feature?
> Until today I only saw solutions with an "adapter application" between

> the webserver and the web applcation. But this adapter application has

> to be developed for every webserver API which you want to support. But

> I plan to access Tomcat directly and not over a web server.
> Cu, Gunnar
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