Remy Maucherat wrote:
> Hi,
> There's a hidden component in Tomcat 4 named "service" (package is
> org.apache.service), which has almost nothing to do with Tomcat (except it
> was written by Pier and started its life here). The most current version of
> it (which is *not* the one used by Tomcat, BTW) resides in the
> jakarta-tomcat-service repository (which I had completely forgotten until I
> saw JF recent commits).

;-) - I suddently noted it was not working with win9x and I needed some
"service" on a win98 box -

> I think the service package would live a happier life in the commons (the
> base interfaces + the native code); then, we can update the HEAD branch to
> use the commons package.
> Note: In the commons, there's already a "services" component. To avoid
> creating confusion, I suggest renaming the "service" component to
> "commons-daemon".
> Comments ?

The idea in jakarta-tomcat-service is to implement JSR96
jakarta-tomcat-4.1/service is to allow run tomcat on port 80 as a daemon...

Porting it to jakarta-tomcat-service could be the other option.

> Votes ?
> Remy
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