
There should be no requirement for Tomcat to start as root. However, some may
want to run Tomcat on a port < 1024. In such cases, you need to start as root
but most site admins want the process to setuid to a non-root user for security 


GOMEZ Henri wrote:
> >Well, of course the process would have to be started as root
> >and the setuid to a
> >non-root user happens at the start of the process. Then, the
> >JNI calls allow you
> >to invoke setuid to switch back to the "saved uid" which is
> >root (since that is
> >the uid of the parent process). The only issue that think that may be
> >problematic is multi-threading since all threads get switched
> >back to root momemtarily.
> Did there is a reason to have Tomcat 3.3/4.0 started as root ?
> Since they listen on port > 1024, there is really no need for
> them to be run as root.
> But for site admins task, having a signal handling in Tomcat is
> a real need to handle task like log rotate for example.
> +1000 to have such interface in TC 3.3/4.0
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