Christopher St. John wrote:
>  The obvious implementation is to have have ValveContext hold
> the index.
>  That's how I assumed it worked the first time I
> saw the Pipeline, Valve and ValveContext classes. I was suprised
> to see a ThreadLocal. Using ValveContext has the appropriate
> threading semantics, and it avoids hiding the index in a
> "mystery attribute" in the Request. And, (although none of this
> will result in a measurable performance gain) using
> ValveContext to hold the index should be faster, since it
> avoids a hashtable lookup.
>  Using a Request note is much like using a global variable:
> it's  hidden state. Long term that's bad, for obvious
> reasons.

But isn't a ValveContext (Pipeline) shared across requests ? I think the
stage has to be maintained in the Request object.


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