A "Spring '02" XML Pack has appeared on the Sun page which now has top 
billing (the Fall release is further down the page), and the included 
JAXP for that release is "jaxp-1.2-ea2". I'm sure everyone will be 
shocked to hear that the jars included in "1.2-ea2" bear almost no 
resemblance whatsoever to those in the Fall's 1.1.3 release :)

Anyway, xalan is still there, but no crimson, which is of course 
something of a problem if you simply point your jaxp.home property to 
the new XML Pack while building, as BUILDING.txt suggests. We should 
probably update the build docs to require the Fall release specifically. 
I guess the other option would be to rewrite the instructions 
specifically for the Spring release, but keeping track of all of the 
various XML jars is a bit like playing three-card monte, and I don't 
want to play anymore =)

On a slightly related note, the build.properties.sample file has Ant 
looking for jaxp.jar in the same path dir as crimson and xalan. Since 
the Fall XML Pack doesn't contain jaxp.jar, I typically hack that one 
entry to point at a copy I have from an old JAXP 1.1 download (back when 
it was separate). I'm not sure what everyone else is doing, but we might 
want to update the build instructions/properties.sample for that one as 
well, as long as we're addressing the Fall/Spring issue.

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