Pier Fumagalli wrote:
> "Punky Tse" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>I had been make this patch for a very long time (3/4/5 months).  And
>>send to this list several times...  If you like, just grap my patch and
>>(wa_version.h must be placed in include/ dir, and change to *whatever*
>>version you like!)
> Punky, I appreciate your effort, but IMO, wa_version.h is way too utterly
> complicated.  I'd add -DWEBAPP_VERSION="xxxxx" to CFLAGS from the autoconf
> magicness, and go from there...

Sorry man, when I saw Henri commited my version patch also this morning, 
and you've commited VERSION file.  I had seen some conflicts.

Hum what do you think?

1. incorporate VERSION file to (modified and clean) wa_version.h through 
2. delete wa_version.h and patch mod_webapp.c in apache-1.3 and 
apache-2.0 currently in CVS?
3. other ways?

Sorry, I had made confusion to you guys.

>     Pier


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