Yes, put build/tomcat/ant/tomcat-ant.jar in your classpath 
and do something like:

<property name="jspc" value="org.apache.tomcat.ant.Tomcat3Precompiler" />
<taskdef resource="" />

<target name="jsp">
  <jspc srcdir="/foo/jsps"
        uriroot="/foo/jsps" compiler="${jspc}" >
      <include name="**/*.jsp" />
      <classpath refid="appropriate_classpath" />
  <javac srcdir="tomcat_work_path/webapps/foo" >
      <classpath refid="another_appropriate_classpath" />
  <jspversion srcdir="tomcat_work_path/webapps/foo" />
  <!-- one can also delete the .javas from the work dir if desired -->

The 'Tomcat3Precompiler' wraps the standards jspc, but
mangles the names with a version number (foo_1).

The 'jspversion' task a creates .ver file for every class
file of the form name_number.class


| -----Original Message-----
| From: GOMEZ Henri [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
| Sent: Friday, May 17, 2002 8:06 AM
| To: Tomcat Developers List
| Subject: RE: cvs commit: jakarta-tomcat RELEASE-NOTES-3.3.2.txt
| >      (Re-) Open the log files with "append", so that log 
| >rotation can
| >      be configured to be other than daily.
| >  +
| >  +         Package an Ant compiler adapter that compiles JSPs 
| >with the correct
| >  +         naming convention and an Ant task which creates 
| >.ver files.  These
| >  +         tasks allow the Tomcat work directory to be 
| >pre-populated with 
| >  +         compiled JSPs.
| >   
| Great, Do you have a task parm with the work directory location ?
| --
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