+1 for mod_jk 1.2.0 for Apache 1.3.24. It's been running stable on my
systems for a really long time now.

Not sure if the bug related to not picking up the index pages when used
with Apache 2.0.35 still exists... Anyone knows?

To find the thread, search this list for this: 'Apache 2.0.35 and mod_jk
1.2.0'. I've posted the question on 2002-04-07.


On Mon, 2002-06-10 at 23:26, GOMEZ Henri wrote:
> Did there is still work on progress in JK (native) in JTC ?
> If not, it could be the good moment to make a 1.2.0 snapshot,
> and ask contributers/friends to generate binaries on there 
> platforms.
> Regards
> -
> Henri Gomez                 ___[_]____
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