
I recall there being a bug related to this in the
isapi_redirect.dll for Tomcat 3.3.  For security, the dll
normalizes the URI before checking to see if it should be
forwarded to Tomcat.  If the URI was shortened because
of this normalization, the query parameters would be lost.

This is fixed in the isapi_redirect.dll distributed with
Tomcat 3.3.1 and is fixed in the jakarta-tomcat-connectors'
isapi_redirector.dll (note the added "or" before ".dll").
If you are using the isapi_redirect.dll from Tomcat 3.3,
try the one from Tomcat 3.3.1 and see if it fixes your
problem. You will find it here:



> -----Original Message-----
> From: Matt Fury [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: Wednesday, June 12, 2002 12:08 PM
> Subject: Tomcat/IIS Integration url request.getParameter()
> Hi!
> I've tried to search FAQ's and newgroups and haven't
> been able to find anything. Please forgive me if its
> been answered.
> With the Tomcat 3.3/IIS forwarding jsp responses, it
> seems as though any url parameters are not being
> forwarded and are returning NULL. ie.
> http://localhost/index.jsp?username=blah&password=yadayadayda
> The username/password requests are not returning
> anything. I can confirm this when I go to the port
> tomcat is running on behind the scenes, these
> paramters are coming through.
> Is there a class or something I need to do in order to
> get these forwarded?
> Thanks
> -Matt
> =====
> ------------------------
> int myName() {
>   cout << "-Matt Fury \n";
>   return 0;
> }
> ------------------------
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