> Enviado el: 12 de junio de 2002 18:46

> Can we just put it in the release notes, and focus on the
> jni worker in jk2 ? ( i.e. people who use the JNI worker with 
> modjk1.1 should not upgrade ).

OK, i was only pointing to some problem i know of.., something to be at
least documented.. i would not oppose, and if i would, i could try to
fix it myself, no problem.. :)

> Has anyone 'volunteered' as release manager for jk1.2 ? If
> someone does, he can decide on the 'mustfix' bugs for the release,
> and if this is listed I'll fix it.

The silence can be masked :)

Could we do some kind of collective RM for that relase? it's at least
possible to do a release this way?

Put up a list of tasks, another of bugs, vote and comment in what to
do.. and simply do it..

Do we need a (benevolent) dictator for this? 

( please take it as a comment, no negative feelings, but it seems to me
, that to find a RM for that release could be hard, and seems it's an
important release to someone, not me, i could help, but not take the
role myself )

Saludos ,
Ignacio J. Ortega

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