Remy Maucherat wrote:
> I'm committing a draft for a Tomcat 5 proposal.
> It is a draft, so it is not in final form yet (it needs feedback for that).

 Re-architecting Tomcat yet again is a bad step if it's not
absolutely necessary. I have some reservations. To keep from
confusing the issue, I'll list them in separate messages.

  "In criticism I will be bold, and as sternly,
   absolutely just with friend and foe. From
   this purpose nothing shall turn me." - Edgar
   Allen Poe

> while at the same time adding support for the new Servlet
> API 2.4 and JSP 2.0 specifications

 Reservation #1: There is a new architecture being proposed,
but since the 2.4 API isn't out yet, all the requirements aren't
available. So there's no intelligent way to judge if the
architecture fits well with the primary requirement (which is
being a good 2.4 container)

 Tomcat 5 isn't some sort of generic server framework, it's
the reference implementation for the 2.4 spec. The spec is

Christopher St. John [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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