Here is a bit more information on why I haven't ruled out JSTL or 1.2
JSP tags as a possible cause.

1. the standard examples all run fine and do not exhibit a memory leak,
including the simpletag example.
2. the other person experiencing memory leak is also using JSP tags
3. my JSTL pages produce the memory leak every time.
4. static files and images do not produce the bug.

One difference I can think of is JSTL accesses the pageContext
frequently. My test pages use JSTL <c:import> quite a bit, which might
be causing the leak? In either case, I sent my test pages to Remy.


Remy Maucherat wrote:
> > hey remy,
> >
> >
> > I'll send you more information in a hour with more details.  I haven't
> > been able to find time to run the JProbe thread analyzer tests, but I
> > can atleast send you the test JSTL pages and JMeter settings I am using
> > to reproduce it.
> >
> > If that is cool with you, I'll get the files together and send it to
> > you.
> This is not very useful since you said the problem isn't with Jasper (JSTL
> is probably the least specific test you can come up with, more or less).
> If the problem really isn't with Jasper, I should be able to reproduce it
> with servlets and/or other JSPs, and I'm not.
> Remy
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