"Vaughn Bilton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I apologize in advance if I'm not following proper protocols for this
> submission, but I'm new at this. I have created a patch against Tomcat
> 4.1.10 which adds a custom tag and associated servlet to the Tomcat
> admin context. The tag, designed to replace a text field expecting a
> file/directory path entry, creates a text field and button combination
> on the page. Clicking the button opens up a popup window allowing the
> user to navigate the file system and select a file/directory. Clicking
> "Okay" closes the popup window and places the selected path in the text
> field. It's been tested under RedHat 7.2 and Windows 2000. I find this
> feature useful, and I would like to make the patch available to whoever
> would like to use it, but I'm not sure how to go about doing this.

I hope this doesn't browse the file system on the server, thru servlet
and/or JSP calls or something like that, because if so -1 for security


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