I spent the last two days trying to use JspC to compile an entire webapp
and came across a problem. I'm not sure if this is a bug or not, but I
can reproduce it every time.  I'm still trying to track down the cause,
but I thought I'd post a question and maybe some one with more knowledge
can point me in the right direction.

I am using the following command to run jspc

C:\tomcat\bin>jspc -d ..\work\Standalone\localhost\_ -uribase
c:/myapp/web -webapp c:/myapp/web

in one of included files I define all the taglibs i use. right now I am
using taglibs from the Jakarta. If I use the string tag, it causes JspC
to die with NPE. If I remove the <%@ taglib %> for string tag, jspc
works fine.  the main difference between JSTL and string tag is JSTL is
1.2 and string tag is 1.1.

the page works just fine if I load it in the browser, but for some
reason, JspC doesn't like 1.1 taglibs.

can anyone provide any insight?

peter lin

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