Han Ming Ong wrote:

> I added a super simple workers2.properties file in the same dir and
> tried to start apache. I got a seg fault. Here's the stacktrace from
> Mac OS X default crash logger:
> Command:    httpd
> PID:        853
> Exception:  EXC_BAD_ACCESS (0x0001)
> Codes:      KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS (0x0001) at 0x736f0028
> Thread 0 Crashed:
>   #0   0x90001600 in strlen
>   #1   0x900023e0 in vfprintf
>   #2   0x90015ee0 in __sbprintf
>   #3   0x900018a8 in vfprintf
>   #4   0x900017ec in fprintf
>   #5   0x0060fdbc in jk2_map_default_get (jk_map.c:97)  <-- it's '97'
> because I added printf

Are you using the commented-out printf ? It is possible that 
one of name or value is null - printf is not checking for null on
many OS. Try using apr printf, or check for null.

> Here's output with some printf statements inserted in jk_map.c:
> entering for threadMutex  (no. maps: 25)
>          0:  logger.file (°Z°Z°Z°Z°Z°Z) <- funny output is from
> fprintf(stderr,"%s", mPriv->values[i])

Can you add printf to map_put also ? 

The value in this case is the jk_env structure ( or jk_log ?), it's
normal to be 'funny'. I would print it as %p, it's a struct *.
( at least for the object map )

> entering for ver  (no. maps: 1)
>          0:  worker (ajp13:localhost:8009)
> done for ver
> [here it churns for a few seconds before segfaulting]
> bin/apachectl: line 87:   853 Segmentation fault      $HTTPD -k $ARGV
> Anyone has a clue on what could be wrong? Just pointers would help. I
> tried following the stack trace but am temporarily thrown off by how
> jk2_env_createBean2() gets to jk2_map_default_get(), especially the
> second parameter's type. It seems to be casted from (char *) to
> (jk_map_t *), which is kind of weird.

Not sure what you mean. The second parameter of env->getBean2( ) is
string. jk2_env_getBean2 will call jk2_map_default_get ( actually,
env->_objects->get ) with env->_objects as second param, which is
a jk_map.

Please check first the printf() params for null.


> Appreciate it.
> Han Ming
> #------------------------ workers2.properties
> --------------------------------
> # Shared memory handling. Needs to be set.
> [shm]
> file=/usr/local/apache2/logs/shm.file
> size=1048576
> # Example socket channel, explicitly set port and host.
> [channel.socket:localhost:8009]
> port=8009
> host=
> #keepalive=1
> # define the worker
> [ajp13:localhost:8009]
> #        channel=channel.un:/usr/local/tomcat/work/jk2.socket
> # To use the TCP/IP socket instead, just comment out the above
> # line, and uncomment the one below
> channel=channel.socket:localhost:8009
> # Announce a "status" worker
> [status:status]
> # Uri mapping
> [uri:/examples/*]
> worker=ajp13:localhost:8009
> #worker=ajp13:/usr/local/tomcat/work/jk2.socket
> [uri:/jkstatus/*]
> worker=status:status
> #---- end of workers2.properties


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