Please use the attached patch instead of the one I previously posted.

  - getClassName() will return java.lang.String if
    the <variable-class> element is not specified.

  - getDeclare() will return true if the <declare>
    element is not specified.

  - getScope() will return NESTED as the scope if
    <scope> is not specified.


  - Changed the directive from include to taglib in
    description of getShortName().

  - Minor rewording of getReliableURN for clarity.



RCS file: /home/cvs/jakarta-servletapi-5/jsr152/src/share/javax/servlet/jsp/tagext/,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -r1.3
---	20 Aug 2002 21:08:24 -0000	1.3
+++	10 Oct 2002 23:38:29 -0000
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@
      * The preferred short name (prefix) as indicated in the TLD.
      * This may be used by authoring tools as the preferred prefix
-     * to use when creating an include directive for this library.
+     * to use when creating an taglib directive for this library.
      * @return the preferred short name for the library
@@ -157,10 +157,9 @@
-     * The "reliable" URN indicated in the TLD.
+     * The "reliable" URN indicated in the TLD (the uri element).
      * This may be used by authoring tools as a global identifier
-     * (the uri attribute) to use when creating a taglib directive
-     * for this library.
+     * to use when creating a taglib directive for this library.
      * @return a reliable URN to a TLD like this
RCS file: /home/cvs/jakarta-servletapi-5/jsr152/src/share/javax/servlet/jsp/tagext/,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.2
---	19 Aug 2002 16:29:51 -0000	1.2
+++	10 Oct 2002 23:38:30 -0000
@@ -139,7 +139,8 @@
      * The body of the &lt;variable-class&gt; element.  
-     * @return The name of the class of the variable
+     * @return The name of the class of the variable or
+     *         'java.lang.String' if not defined in the TLD.
     public String getClassName() {
@@ -149,7 +150,8 @@
      * The body of the &lt;declare&gt; element
-     * @return Whether the variable is to be declared or not
+     * @return Whether the variable is to be declared or not.
+     *         If not defined in the TLD, 'true' will be returned.
     public boolean getDeclare() {
@@ -159,7 +161,9 @@
      * The body of the &lt;scope&gt; element
-     * @return The scope to give the variable.
+     * @return The scope to give the variable.  NESTED
+     *         scope will be returned if not defined in 
+     *         the TLD.
     public int getScope() {

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