Just following up on my thoughts wether Tomcat 4.1 is ready for production or not. Yesterday and today I tried to roll one preview site out on our existing server infrastructure... and so far it created complete havoc.

Oddly enough I'm running a Coda replicated file system on my production servers and that is where the Tomcat home is. Now Coda is a semi-dodgy piece of software (it's a love-hate thing) and you need to be gentle with it. Tomcat 3.3.1 is fine running in this way, but 4.1 so far crashed the whole coda file system both yesterday and today.

This is not a complaint about Tomcat 4, rather an observation that it doesn't seem to behave in this environment. I will start investigating why this is. My suspicion there is something about Coda having AFS file semantics rather than unix or windows ones.


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