
Thank you for making sure authorship was attributed to me. :-)

I orginally wrote this to answer some questions Craig had about
Tomcat and web hosting.  Then later reposted it to tomcat-user
when a similar question was raised.

Yes it can be added to the Tomcat 4.1 documentation and committed to cvs
with the ASF license.



Robert L Sowders wrote:
Well hey there,

It is a nice document, isn't it. Alas, I'm not the Author. I pulled it off the tomcat-user list last August. It was sent originally by Glen Nielsen. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
A brief search through the mailing list archives and presto,

All credit should go to Mr. Nielsen

Thank you,


10/31/2002 06:28 AM

To: "Robert L Sowders" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Tomcat Developers List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
cc: Subject: Re: [PATCH] virtual_hosting.txt

Robert, thank you for sending this document!

I'd just like to clarify the copyright on this document before reformatting it into our XML tags:
Do we have permission to include the "virtual hosting with tomcat and apache"
document that you submitted to Bill Barker, into the Tomcat distribution, and to
place it under the standard Apache Software Foundation License? You will be
credited as the original author, of course.

Thanks very much!

Ian Darwin

On October 31, 2002 02:06 am, Bill Barker wrote:

I'm pretty busy just at the moment, so I'm forwarding this to the list.

does a pretty good job of addressing a lot of the newbie questions that
come up over and over on tomcat-user.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Robert L Sowders" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2002 1:03 AM
Subject: virtual_hosting.txt

as promised

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