In Servlet 2.3 (i.e. Tomcat 4.x), filters are *not* invoked on request
dispatcher calls -- only on the original request.  In Servlet 2.4 (i.e.
Tomcat 5.x) you can optionally configure which filters should be used on
forwards, includes, or both, with suitable settings in web.xml.


On Mon, 4 Nov 2002, Ryan Hoegg wrote:

> Date: Mon, 04 Nov 2002 13:33:41 -0500
> From: Ryan Hoegg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: Tomcat Developers List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Possible bug in RequestDispatcher?
> Hi,
> Before I post a bug report, I wanted to run a peculiar situation by the
> experts.
> I am creating some filters that verify that certain variables are in the
> session before allowing access to any page in my site.  There are
> currently two of them, and each forward the request to a form if a
> particular session variable is not set and if this is not the form
> submission.  They are using ((HttpServletRequest)
> request).getRequestDispatcher("/path/to/form1.html").forward(request,
> response) to accomplish this.
> Something is broken, and if it's in my code I am missing it.  I have
> these filters mapped to /* and here is the peculiar behavior:
> 1. If I point my browser at "/", I get the desired HTML page.
> 2. If I point at a servlet I have mapped, I get what looks like an HTML
> template page.
> 3. If I point at a static HTML file I have in the "/" I get a good chunk
> of the beginning of the HTML page and that's it.
> My web.xml is simpler than simple, I described it above except for the
> single servlet mapping. ("/Display")
> I appreciate any insights you can provide!
> --
> Ryan Hoegg
> ISIS Networks
> --
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