On Thu, 24 Oct 2002, Remy Maucherat wrote:

| ... as well as the Catalina and CatalinaService classes. The idea is to
| remove the *Service, and have only one set of classes (which would still
| handle all use cases). There has been a number of random method
| additions which make the whole thing a mess (IMO). For example, the
| "Service" version can be made to behave like the non-"Service" one.
| Kinda confusing ...
| This will likely break a few things.
| Please complain if you like the current mess better ;-)

I only have the slightest idea what you're talking about, but I guess it
has something with start/stop of catalina?!

If you're still on those files, then make a shutdown-method that actually
_waits_ untill the possibly very length shutdown procedures are done.
Something that hooks onto the process, sends the "shutdown now" signal,
and then _waits_ until catalina replies with "all shutdown procedures
finished", then both processes terminate.

.. or, this might already been implemented. I wouldn't know, I only
remeber that this has annoyed me very much in both 3.2 and 4.0..

Endre Stølsvik               M[+47 93054050] F[+47 51625182]
Developer @ CoreTrek AS         -  http://www.coretrek.com/
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