Figured it out myself! :-)

I printed out the IOException stack trace, saw that the error happened when a temp file was being created. Turns out my CATALINA_TMPDIR was set to a non-existing directory. I created it and no more IOExceptions. Now I just hope my classloader issue is fixed...


On Wednesday, November 20, 2002, at 05:01 PM, Nick Wesselman wrote:

Using 4.0.6 I'm getting a lot of exceptions (for every jar in /WEB-INF/lib/) on startup like this one:

ContextConfig[]: tldConfigJar(/WEB-INF/lib/xerces.jar): No such file or directory

Which is problematic because if an exception happens in tldConfigJar(), ContextConfig in 4.0.6 calls jarFile.close(), which apparently causes classloader issues... and we're having classloader problems.

So what's causing this IOException? I can't tell for the life of me--all the permissions on the directory and its parents look fine. Our other instances using 4.0.6 don't have this problem.

Any suggestions?


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