+1, good idea !


Glenn Nielsen wrote:

> I have some ideas on how invoking the javac compiler for compiling JSP
> pages can be
> improved.  Currently Jasper 2 uses ant to do compiles from within Tomcat
> which are synchronized.
> There are currently several problems.
> 1. The known javac memory leak.
> 2. JSP page compiles are synchronized.
> 3. Jikes currently can't be configured for windows because the windows
> build of
>     jikes doesn't support -encoding.
> 4. We may be getting some bug reports related to this problem noted in the
> Ant
>     documentation for the javac task:
> Windows Note:When the modern compiler is used in unforked mode on Windows,
> it locks up the files present in the classpath of the <javac> task, and
> does not release them. The side effect of this is that you will not be
> able to delete or move those files later on in the build. The workaround
> is to fork when invoking the compiler.
> Recommendation:
> Change Jasper 2 so that it tells ant to fork the javac compile.  This
> should remove the need
> to synchronize the compiles.  It will also move java compilation outside
> of the JVM process Tomcat is running in saving JVM heap memory and
> reducing GC overhead from objects created for
> JSP compiles.  This could be done by just adding another parameter called
> "fork" to the JspServlet paramters. If fork=true ant forks the javac
> compile and no synchronization is done. The default for fork would be
> false.
> Comments?
> Regards,
> Glenn

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