Craig R. McClanahan wrote:

>> It would actually be a pretty good solution IMO. A single thread checking
>> the files for modification in all contexts is better ( again IMO ) than
>> one thread per context. Same for checking sessions.
>> The coding is a bit trickier ( and there are some issues related with DOS
>> and security ), but it may be worth it.
> A single thread checking for modified files is probably ok (although it
> will slow down the effective reload rate for individual apps), but I'd be
> particularly careful about trying to combine the session timeout
> processing of multiple webapps into one thread.  The problem is that
> application-level event handlers are called from this thread, and you
> really don't want an accidentally or maliciously coded webapp to start
> sleeping in one of these event handlers and thereby disable session
> timeout service for the entire Tomcat JVM.
> It's possible that some way to time out the timeout event hander :-) could
> deal with this, but it will require some care.

I know - executing the even handlers can't be done on the expiration

The problem I'm trying to solve is scaling tomcat with the number of 
webapps. ( well, I'm not actually coding anything right now - there are 
more important issues :-)

A hosting site with 100s of apps ( some very infrequently used !) would
benefit a lot from having a single thread doing the checks for expiration.
A thread pool can be used to process the event handlers - with some 
safeguards to prevent DOS ( event handlers hunging the expiration thread).
It's not very difficult - let the thread pool grow to the max number of 
apps, and make sure a each context gets at most one thread for events. If
all apps behave, you'll have few threads doing the expiration and one doing
the check.

Regarding the delay - yes, it may be faster to have 100 threads doing 
nothing but expiration ( or modification ) check, one per context. However
it may be better to have 100 threads doing request processing and keep 
a single thread doing session maintainance. Java GC is done in a single 
thread too.

Anyway - I don't think this is a very urgent problem to solve.

>> As for someone stoping the check for class modification at run time using
>> an admin interface - what's wrong with that ?
> I don't see a problem with that, but I've stopped using "reloadable" at
> all for my development -- reload-on-demand (via the manager webapp) is a
> much more effective strategy IMHO.  And "reloadable" shouldn't be used on
> a production server anyway.

I agree.

Is 'reloadabl' disabled by default ? Should we deprecate it ?

BTW - another way to do reload-on-demand is using JMX ( the html interface
provided by either jmx-ri or mx4j - or any other jmx adaptor ). It may be 
a good idea to make the manager webapp more powerfull - i.e. support generic 
( simple ) get/set operations via JMX. 


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