Am Sonntag, 05.01.03 um 02:15 Uhr schrieb Roberto Casanova:
You should not revert completely to revision 1.32.  There were two
changes done to in your commit of revision 1.33.

We discussed only the first change (in method convertStr around line
824) and I think we agree it should be reverted.

But the second change done in that same commit actually fixes the
original problem (bug 15762) and should be preserved.
I agree. I simply forgot to point that out in my last post.

In discussing this bug, and looking at bug 15798 (which is
Windows-specific, I guess, but nevertheless concerns a similiar
issue), I think that the way the XML files are written 'by hand'
through PrintWriters is prone to produce bugs of this kind, because
it is easy to forget that some strings must be encoded. Isn't there
some standard API for _writing_ XML, which takes care of these
encoding issues transparently?

I thought about maybe having a look at the Cocoon project's
Serializers, which I think do something like this via SAX events.
Of course, one could also construct a DOM tree and write that out,
but I don't know whether this is a good idea in terms of performance.
Also, I don't know if encoding issues are taken care of in each


--- Christoph Seibert                   [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---
-- Farlon Dragon -==(UDIC)==- --
- Who can possibly rule if no one                                -
-         who wants to can be allowed to?     - D. Adams, HHGTTG -

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