On Tue, 7 Jan 2003, Glenn Nielsen wrote:

> Date: Tue, 07 Jan 2003 21:35:12 -0600
> From: Glenn Nielsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: Tomcat Developers List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [PROPOSAL] Tomcat doc organization
> If you follow the tomcat-user list there are many questions that are asked
> which the reply could be RTFM.  If the tomcat docs were organized in a way
> which made them easier to use this may reduce the number of RTFM type of
> questions.
> Proposed changes to doc organization:
> For each individual page generate a "Printer Friendly" version without the
> navigation menu.  Provide a link on the menu to the printer friendly version.
> These can easily be generated from the existing xml files, I already have a
> minor change in tomcat-docs.xsl to support this.

The docs generated by Maven and Forrest based builds do this already --
they declare a stylesheet for the "print" media that leaves off the
navigation column when you print the document, without having to
explicitly generate print-friendly versions.  We could either import the
relevant stylesheets, or convert the docco generation to use these
existing packages.

> For the Config Reference and HOW-TO's provide a printer friendly version
> that includes all of those docs.  This will make it easier for user's to
> print out a Tomcat manual.

Shouldn't be too hard to accomplish with a document that just includes all
the individual parts into a single resulting "page".

> Where appropriate, add Table of Content sections at the top to make
> finding what you want and navigating within a single document easier.

Oh, and generate an searchable index with Lucene ... :-)

> Regards,
> Glenn


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