On Fri, 10 Jan 2003, Jim Jagielski wrote:

> But it doesn't change the fact that randomness != uniqueness, which is
> what Glenn's point was I think.

Just as an example; doing on issue

        syncronized count++;
        id = count.ipaddr
                add port if you must :-)

gives you a rather unique (but predictable) session id. The uniqueness of
the ipaddres obviously relies on the registry function of iana/ripe/et.al.
combined with your site/provider IP management.

or if it must be un-prediable do something like:

        on init
                seed = true-rand... or config-file-entry

        on issue
                id = md5( seed . count . ipaddr );

or if you do not trust md5's or find them too expensive

        id = hash(seed.count.ipaddr).count.ipaddr
                with hash = md4, md5, sha1, crypt, ..
                        as long as it is one way -and-
                        seed is truly random or manually choosen
                        to be proper.

OR if you want to check a session id prior to spending
(lookup) cycles on them to counter DoS0-s then do something like

        id = hash(seed.count.hisip.ipaddr).count.ipaddr.hisip

and on accept do
                hisip = from-accept-stack-info()
                s,c,i1,i2 = splice(id)
                i2 == hisip ?
                i1 == myip ?
                hash(seed.c.hisip.myip) == s ?
                now do the expensive stuff

add a time-of-issue if needed if you are worried about that. Obviously now
the seed -must- be a config secret; as otherwise you cannot restart your
server without blowing all sessions out of the water.


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